Spire - a service for entrepreneurs

When starting a business or wanting to develop products, it is often tempting to downprioritize branding in a tight budget. But the truth is that without a strong strategy and good branding, it becomes harder to sell the idea.

Logo, website and visual elements on budget

Distinctive wants to offer entrepreneurs and startups low-threshold branding to be able to attract interest and present services in a good way. The “Spire” concept is designed to give you access to logo, website and branding at a low package price. All you have to do is arrange a meeting! You get what you need. Fast, easy, on budget, with distinctive features!


Basic package
25 000, - NOK
Logo for startups
arrange a meeting
  • Unique logo
  • LogoManual
  • Color Profile
  • Fonts
  • Design proposal on 3 surfaces
  • Files in pixel and vector


Basic package
25 000, - NOK
The website for entrepreneurs
arrange a meeting
  • Landing Page
  • Custom Profile Manual
  • Responsive
  • SEO
  • 4 Modules
    — Banner
    — About us
    — Services
    — Contact


Base price per icon
3000, - NOK
Adapted to your expression
arrange a meeting
  • Vectorized
  • Scalable and customized
  • Bespoke
  • Free use


Base price per item
3000, - NOK
Animation and interaction
arrange a meeting
  • Animate Icons
  • Interactive animations
  • Transitions
  • Custom Solutions
Spire web

Landing pages

Landing pages provided by Særpreg connect your company with customers and partners in an efficient and easy-to-understand way.

Startup Invest

Invest in and help companies at various stages.

Iphone og laptop som viser eksempel på nettside


INTENTUM engages investment from voters in Norway to underserved entrepreneurs running SMEs in emerging markets.

Iphone som viser eksempel på nettside


ReZem works to reduce CO! 2 from the global cement and concrete industries.

Iphone som viser eksempel på nettside

Earth Day

A Jærsk literature festival with agriculture and agriculture as the main theme.

Laptop som viser eksempel på nettside

Stop by for a coffee!

Steg 1/4

På leting etter originale løsninger?

Fyll inn din skjema, og send oss en forespørsel.

Hva kan vi hjelpe deg med?

Velg det alternativet som passer best.

Fortell litt om bedriften din

Her kan du legge inn info om dagens status på ditt foretak

Hvordan ønsker dere å jobbe sammen?

Legg inn informasjon om hvordan du vil kommunisere.
GØY! Kontaktskjema er sendt, og vi kontakter deg snart :-)
Skitt! Det gikk ikke å sende akkurat nå. Prøv mail: chris@sarpreg.no
A completely non-binding medium roast in the hand and with the legs on the table.

Do you have an idea or creative challenges?
Let's have a chat!
Send me a message