Printed matter

Paper Brings Life to Your Product

Brochure, business card, envelope, letter sheet, magazine, leaflet, flyer or maybe a poster? The field of use of paper is not dead!

You may have what you need online, but occasionally it has to come in physical form. A product often comes out strongly in a brochure, and a message appears so strongly on a wall. Fortunately, we are still physical, and holding a printed paper brings your product to life.

Through many years in the printing industry, I would like to guide you to provide you with the products you need to meet the market purely physically. Do you have products that need wrapping or a little boost? With good design and delicious paper, you can proudly display products and messages in front of customers and partners.

What do you get?

Before we start, it's nice to know what the print case will be used for, and what the target audience is. Then we can talk about formats, number and material. After you send over your basis on text and pictures, I will send you an estimate of the time spent and a price quote. Next, I'll send you a draft of the printing case. You will then provide input before we make changes. When everything is approved, I send it to print.

You can choose whether you want to send the printed matter to the printing company yourself, otherwise I can arrange printing with one of my partners and send this to your address.

Stop by for a coffee!

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A completely non-binding medium roast in the hand and with the legs on the table.

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