Henry - Identity


Henry invites you to a conversation. He elevates the user experience and makes sure to make the search for information easier. To chatbot being he is quite jovial and likeable.

With this starting point, Compendia would get a more visual profile on their chatbot; Henry.

The illustration of the bot was already in place, and since it is recognizable through customer Compendia's surfaces, it was a natural icon for the brand. The task then became to retain his expression, and to stylize the illustration so much that it can be used in all channels of information.
The logo text is equally relevant and illustrates the continuous conversation between user (s) and the chatbot system. The continuous communication forms the basis for the conversation to get better and better, and contributes to the development and learning of a chatbot that manages to perform more precisely with each passing day.

A visual identity is part of the brand, but that doesn't mean the wonderful people working to improve Henry play any less of a role. They are as much the brand in their contact with the customer and in the continuous development of Henry.

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