Animation by HR-Henry. HR-Henry is Compendia's chatbot solution, which is implemented in customer websites. They can also create their own avatars.
- 🖍 Illustration and animation of avatar for Norsk Arbeidsmandsforbund's chatbot solution provided by Compendia. 💡 The chatbot named Olav is named after the first chairman of the association — Olav Strøm. He became its chairman at the age of 29 — which from the start took the name Det norske vei- og railroadworiderforbund.
- 🖍 Illustration of avatar of Handel and Office for its chatbot solution provided by Compendia. 💡 The chatbot named Sidsel is named after the first female HK leader, Sidsel Bauck. She is known, among other things, for the slogan “a living wage”