Boligpleie - visual identity

"Sutalaust"(meaning worry-free) was a word that was left at the first meeting with Torstein and Nicholas in Fjogstad-Hus.

There was something about the word that covered the whole service they would launch. A worry-free way to keep the house. Help uncover defects or defects while preventing any major damage to our homes.

The service should be simple, Fjogstad-Hus performs a subject check, delivers a report on the condition of the house, and follows up with recommended measures or appointments a new check within 5 years.

We started the job of building a visual profile and landed on it to compare the house with a rechargeable battery. Something most people can relate to. One has to charge to maintain. Energy-efficient solutions are the focus of Housing Care, which is why it is a separate post when you have to carry out a specialist check on the dwelling.

The service was given three steps to make things even more concrete:
Subject check, housing report and house master.

I supplemented with illustrations to add lower threshold and more life to the service. As well as icons that could indicate the condition of the dwelling.

Distinctive has provided logo, identity, illustrations and web design for

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